Branding Emotion (The Cinematic Version)
I wrote a blog post about why the hell does emotional movie moments have anything to do with your next branding project?
A post by:
I’ve created something special for myself, a passion project called Black Metal Disco–a weekly comic strip I’m excited to share with you all.
Black Metal Disco is a webcomic about an almost washed-up metal band that gained massive fame in the past. But seemingly at the end of their musical career, fate from the metal gods grants them a new musical direction that changes the band forever. Was it a blood sacrifice? Were bat heads chewed upon? Did they discover auto-tune? Or was it rehab? Read to find out.
I’m excited it’s finally here, and I can get this silly story out of my head, onto paper, and eventually to this website.
Black Metal Disco is a comic strip that combines my love for music, design, and being an artisté. This is a mashup of the rockstar stereotypes of Spinal Tap, the sarcasm and artistry of Bloom County, and the debaucherous stories of Behind The Music. I hope you’ll enjoy the comic as much as I’ve enjoyed building it.
This blog post could address several topics about launching a comic strip online. There’s a lot to talk about: The storywriting. The constant struggle to be funny. The challenge of making the artwork as best as possible while self-imposing a deadline. The battle with my heavy-handed inking style. And trying to learn how to cross-hatch, oy, it’s tough! The quest to get one of my character’s noses just right consistently. The process of building these comics, from a paper doodle to a finished digital comic strip. How to promote this. How to launch it. How not to hate AI and how it affects the creative industry. How this is going to pay for itself… I can go on (And I just did! Sheesh!)
I will try to cover all of these random thoughts in my brain on the newly launched site. And yes, I somehow managed to capture this handle on social media as well: @blackmetaldisco on Facebook, TikTok, and @blackmetaldiscocomic on Instagram. ALSO… I am trying to figure out how to set up a new Patreon page. I don’t like pandering for money, but maybe this is a cool way to do it. We’ll see, and that’ll be evolved down the road.
Anyhoo, I’ve collected some early sketches that I’ve built, some comics that you can check out below.
I’ll maybe post more Black Metal Disco stuff here on Idea Circus, as this is the mothership of all my things and projects, but I will mostly be updating Black Metal Disco on the site www.blackmetaldisco.com. Hopefully, you’ll check it out, share it, and get a chuckle from it.
Not “Influencer” social,.. but social enough.
I wrote a blog post about why the hell does emotional movie moments have anything to do with your next branding project?
Blog Project Showcase : Propel Software A post by: Event & Content Projects For Propel Software It’s fun to see your work “in the wild.”
Idea Circus Is The Complete Package
That’s a dumb joke about brand & packaging design, but I wanted to introduce some new design initiatives for this studio, which caters to the wine, spirits, and cannabis industries.