
Fisticuffs Whiskey

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Fisticuffs Whiskey Co.

I got the chance to make some spec packaging mockups. This is purely a mockup, by the way.
So, the design challenge was to make a spirit brand. So, I went for my favorite.

Whiskey can sometimes make you want to fight—honestly, I hope not—but this was the catalyst for this branding exercise. I wanted the grit and history of prohibition liquor running, bar fights, and serious mustaches. This bold brand talks to me in these ways: Punch of flavor, strongmen who made whiskey a manly thing. (Although my wife would say otherwise, as an avid whiskey fan.) 

“Fight For Your Flavor” is a natural tagline that gives ownership to this whiskey brand. 

The hero image was built (generated? prompted?) in Midjourney, and the labels were built pretty quickly. I’ve always loved the way large text can overlay like this, and I don’t get the opportunity to do that much–but I did here. 

Like what you see? Idea Circus can help create a brand, identity, and packaging for your product that can be built fast, on time, and on budget. 

Contact us to find out how.

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