
Idea Circus Is The Complete Package

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Idea Circus a wine spirits branding design agency

Idea Circus Is The Complete Package

That’s a dumb joke about brand & packaging design, but I wanted to introduce some new design initiatives for this studio, which caters to the wine, spirits, and cannabis industries. 

It’s rather fun to work on, and I want to do more of these types of projects. So, I’ve built some curated content and landing pages about these design services. I recently moved to the beautiful wine country of Sonoma County, and I couldn’t ignore these growing industries in this part of the world. 

I am one of those people who judges a book by its cover… If the publisher budgeted for a good book designer, they care about it. The same is true for branding and packaging design—even more so. A great brand starts with a story and a product. That product is the holy grail; it needs to shine like it. It needs to grab your attention immediately, as you only get a slim chance to stop people from seeing your brand on a competing shelf space. Stroll down a beer and wine aisle in your local grocery store and quickly get overwhelmed by the massive amount of choices. I know I do. If the package is not well done, I’ll skip it. 

Here are some projects that I’ve done to showcase.

We're very social.

Not “Influencer” social,.. but social enough.

Project – Juva

Project Juva “Vibes” Packaging Design A post by: Juva Vibe Packaging & Brand Design Project I was tasked with a packaging design project for a

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